what kind of traveler are you?

May 20, 2024

What Kind of Traveler Are You?

  1. The Bohemian – This traveler wants to see the sights and is looking for earthy experiences not found in guidebooks. They aren’t going to plan out their trip six months in advance with all the train and hotel reservations set in stone. The Bohemian traveler arrives in a city and will do a quick check to see what sights might be of interest. They’ll hope to find an economy hotel near the train station. No need for a Michelin restaurant guide, they’ll be asking locals where to go for the best street food. They’ll run into a few bumps along the way, but they’ll also experience local flavor right at the source.
  2. The Get My Money’s Worth Traveler – This traveler has decided on a European destination and wants to be sure they see and do everything possible during their stay. They are likely to sign up with a large tour operator and will have a program that includes several daily activities of guided tours, dining and cultural shows. The tour company’s expertise combined with group rates can cover more ground in one week than an individual could accomplish in three weeks.
  3. The Selective Traveler – This individual has been on several trips and probably has been a Bohemian and Get My Money’s Worth Traveler at one point. Now they want a unique experience on their terms. Instead of focusing solely on the main sights in crowded venues, they want to get a real taste of the local culture and history. This traveler wants to visit lesser-known areas and calmly focus on a few themes while combining quality of life, dining and relaxation at the same time.
  4. The I Need a Getaway But Don’t Want to Spend All Day at the Beach Traveler – This is the person working long hours and deserves a break. They don’t want to exchange their cramped work schedule for a cramped vacation schedule. They are also active people who don’t want to just relax the whole time. For them a personalized program tailored to their interests in history, culture, outdoors and culinary is just what they’re after.
  5. The Luxury Traveler – This traveler wants to do it right. Five star hotels, Michelin rated restaurants and private tours. If this individual enjoys a particular American or Scottish whiskey, his hotel will have it. There will never be a language barrier problem because the staff speaks English very well. This traveler will have a lovely trip, but it will be somewhat lacking in local flavor.

No matter which category you’ve found yourself before, if you’re looking for an experience like the Selective Traveler or Needing to Get Away – give True Colors of Italy a call.

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